Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Men are generally happy creatures


We wake up early in the morning, well by our standards anytime before mid day is early in the morning. So its early in the morning. Waking up is a simple three fold process. First alarm at 7 am. First Alarm second time at 7.20 and the final one at 8.00. So we are completely up at 8 am in the morning on a normal working day. Then begins the multi tasking. We brush our teeth while the milk is being boiled. We are on the pot with our newspaper. This thing goes on and on fluently.

Women on the other hand, wake up two hours before us. They spend a lot of time in the bathroom. It seems like they are going to bath for the whole week at once, but....

Once they are up they take about 30 to 45 mins figuring what they are going to wear. For them picking clothes is like an art. They do a very thorough research and analysis along with some critical thinking for this task. They start with opening their wardrobes. Then they try to remember the date the particular attire was last worn. Once this is done they figure out what their colleagues might be wearing. Then they look at the weather outside. They look at their day planner and what not. All this for one dress. A guy just picks up the first jeans he looks at. Smells the first shirt that he stumbles upon, if it smells ok then its on. Socks make no difference and so do shoes.

Women do lots of things with their hair as well. It starts with a blow dry, then that thing that straightens their hair, then they use various different and unique varieties of combs and brushes. Then come the hair clutches and clips etc. What do guys do. Well we step out of the house. Look into the wind shield of the car outside our door and whistle while our hands take care of our unique hair style. On special occasions though we do this in bathrooms in front of the mirrors with a little bit of gel. The whole process takes 30 to 40 seconds tops. On very special occasions it exceeds a minute.

When we are in the trains, enroute our offices, we take our seats... look in some direction and keep staring at nothing from the beginning to the end of our journey. Its like we are meditating, our minds are absolutely empty with not even an atom sized thought in it. Then only thing we hear in the journey is the announcement of the station names. Its like we have tuned and trained our brains perfectly. But women- they know everything that is happening in the whole compartment, well at least they think they know, but the reality is that it is just a notion just like everything else they think "is true and obvious". Women think they know everything, but men know this is just a myth.

In the work place, men reach their desk and start working. Women, they also reach their desk but do they start working right away? No. They first settle in. They look at stuff. They, perhaps talk to themselves, I can only imagine what. Then they slowly slip into the work mode. Most importantly, they just check how they look, either in the lavatory or just in the small mirror which they pull out of their bags.

More to follow....

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Kolkata, West Bengal, India
I am an Entrepreneur, Industrialist and a Businessman. I am die hard Arsenal Fan. I always fancy a good meal. I love travelling. Seen most of India, Far East, South Asia and Europe. Happily married for the past 6 years.
